Todays Bartender

Rum Cocktail: The Chadburn


Designed to be a dessert drink, this rum cocktail plays the richness of St. Lucia rum—one of our Imbibe 75 flavors to watch—against the lush flavors of tawny port and pear liqueur. For a drier cocktail, reduce the port and pear to a quarter-ounce of each.

2 oz. St. Lucia rum (Chairman’s Reserve or Admiral Rodney)
½ oz. tawny port
½ oz. pear liqueur (Cate uses Clear Creek)
6 drops Bittermens Xocolatl (Chocolate) mole bitters
Tools: barspoon, strainer
Glass: coupe

Stir all the ingredients with ice to chill, then strain into a chilled coupe.

Martin Cate, Smuggler’s Cove, San Francisco

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